
1. We’re figuring it out together.
There’s no perfect roadmap, no one-size-fits-all formula. I’m not here to share from a place of authority, but to share from the heart—what’s working, what’s not, and everything in between for me on my own life path.

I don’t have all the answers, and I’m not here to pretend I do. We’re in this together, learning as we go. 

I truly believe that each one of us is the true expert in our own life. Only you know the intricate, micro details of what has shaped you, what has and hasn’t worked at all, and only you can understand what resonates with your heart and spirit. The work is tuning into and building a life that honours what resonates for you.

2. Love is the foundation.
Real, healthy love starts with how we treat ourselves—how we talk to ourselves, care for ourselves, and choose to believe we are worthy just as we are. When we build that love from the inside out, we can show up with kindness and strength for the people and dreams that matter most. How we treat ourselves is the blueprint for how others treat us in life- what we allow and don’t allow in terms of treatment and dynamics in our life. This is the foundation we work on most if we truly want authentic, healthy relationships in our lives. 

True love isn’t about perfection; it’s about authenticity, growth, and compassion. It starts with how we treat ourselves—how we speak to ourselves, how we nourish our bodies, minds, and spirits. When we love ourselves, we can show up for others in a way that feels true, not pressured or dictated. Hello authentic love!

3. The rebel inside deserves her era.
There’s a spark in each of us that refuses to stay small. It’s the voice that says, “You’re worth more than this.” She’s the wise woman and mother bear who knows when something isn’t right and refuses to play small and silent. This is her time to come alive, to break free from the chains of judgment and conformity, and to own her space unapologetically. 

We’re unapologetically bold in questioning what we’ve been told, challenging outdated narratives, and choosing our own paths. We’ll face the discomfort of unlearning and reshaping what no longer serves us—because being ourselves, fully, is worth the work.

4. Healing isn’t pretty, but it’s powerful.
The messy parts of growth? They matter. The days we doubt ourselves, the moments we fall apart—they’re all part of the process. Healing is about leaning into those cracks, letting the light in, and trusting that the journey is worth it.

5. Boundaries are love in action.
Saying “no” doesn’t make you unkind—it makes you whole. It builds integrity as you learn to live according to what resonates as a “hell yes” and a “hell no” in your body-spirit-mind.

Setting boundaries is how we honor our energy, protect our peace, and create room for what truly aligns with our hearts. Boundaries are the framework of our blueprint- showing the world how we deserve to be treated.

6. We’re always becoming.
Life isn’t about having it all figured out; it’s about showing up for the process. Every step we take—forward or backward—is a part of the story. We grow, we stumble, and we keep going, trusting that we’re building something real and each step is a learning.

Perfection isn’t the goal. Progress and Wholeness by accepting ourselves just as we are is. We celebrate every step forward, no matter how small, and we honor our mistakes as part of the learning process.

7. Sass and softness can coexist.
True sweetness isn’t about staying quiet or small; it’s about letting your sass and fire live alongside your softness. Both are valid. Both are needed. When you show up fully as yourself, you give others permission to do the same.

8. Laughter heals.
Life is wild and unpredictable. It’s a series of calling out “Plot twist!” the moment you feel you know what’s going on. Humor is how we let the tension out, find joy in the chaos, and remind ourselves not to take everything so seriously. It’s okay to laugh, even when things are hard. It’s okay to feel joy and to relieve ourselves of the weight of it all. It’s not a martyrdom, it’s a liberation.

9. Creative energy is a powerful tool for healing.
When we allow ourselves to create—whether through art, writing, music, or any other form of expression—we tap into a deep well of healing energy. Creativity is not just for producing something beautiful; it’s a way to release pain, reconnect with our inner selves, and transform our struggles into strength.

10. Every path is unique.
There’s no one right way to live, heal, or grow. We honor the beauty in each person’s journey, knowing that what works for one may not work for another. Here, we create a space for everyone to figure out what feels true to them.

11. We rise together.
This isn’t a solo journey. It’s about connection, support, and building each other up. When one of us grows, we all do. Together, we’re creating a community grounded in love, resilience, and authenticity.

And yes, we all have a little lone wolf or owl that likes to retreat from time to time (hello to my own strong inner lone wolf and owl!) But that’s part of the cycle- the retreat, the recharge, and then showing up in our authentic, real expression. It’s about honouring the social lion and the lone wolf in each one of us.  As Ram Dass said so beautifully, “We’re all walking each other home.”